On the Verge of Extinction: How to Save Malayan Tigers?

Malayan Tigers (Harimau Malaya) are well known for being the majestic icon of the country. They are mesmerizing as apex predators. This enormous cat is revered as a guardian and a divinity in many Asian cultures. Tragically, these are also the motives behind the widespread desire for tiger goods to be “consumed,” displayed, or worn which have also greatly affected the Malayan Tigers’ population. However, there are already groups of communities that are trying their best to share their ways on how to save Malayan Tigers.

These amazing creatures are diminished to the worth of their body parts despite their significance to the ecosystems and civilizations in which they inhabit.

Around 100,000 wild tigers roamed the planet a century ago; by 2010, just around 3,200 survived, confined to just 7% of their former habitat. The same goes for the tigers in Malayan Forests, with only less than 150 tigers left roaming around. The number of tigers remaining in the wild is decreasing quickly due to poaching and forest degradation. Not only that, diseases and the limited migration of potential dispersing tigers into these places reduce the likelihood of population replenishment, making isolated, disconnected sections of the forest more vulnerable to localized extinction. 

Despite hopeful measures like sending the army and the Indigenous Orang Asli to police the jungle for poaching activities, the number of wild tigers in Malaysia continues to decline. In this article, we will share tips on how to save Malayan Tigers while conserving their natural habitat and environment.

A Tiger Cub Pic from How to Save Malayan Tiger Campaign
Malayan Tiger Cubs

Tips on How to Save Malayan Tigers Our Wildlife Committee;

  • Report any Illegal Hunting/Poaching

Tigers are killed for their bones, pelts, fangs, and claws. Some people in remote areas of the world employ tiger body parts in primitive medicinal procedures. Numerous renowned scientists have examined and refuted the majority of these therapeutic concepts. However, we can try to curb these activities by reporting to the authorities should we come across it.

Try contacting tiger specialist groups whenever you read or hear news about this specific problem. You can get in touch with Panthera or any other groups in your nation that specialize in dealing with the problem.

Malayan Forest Pic by How to Save Malayan Tiger Campaign
Malayan Tiger Habitat
  • Help to Preserve Their Habitat

Tigers have been roaming freely in the Malayan Forests since hundreds of years ago. With the declining population nowadays, it should be a wake-up call for us to contribute in preserving their natural habitat and environment. 

If you come across any illegal activities that contribute to forest degradation, it is important to contact the authorities and report what you’ve witnessed. Tiger extinction does not just happen due to actual hunting of their species, but also due to the decline in their natural habitat that gives them a home for the long run.

  • Try Adopting a Tiger from Wildlife Associations

When we discuss adoption, we do not always imply that you really adopt someone and bring them into your home. Adopting here refers to making a donation to organizations dedicated to uplifting the initiatives on how to save Malayan Tigers.

By adopting, you may help the local community preserve the tiger’s habitat, stop poaching, and complete other crucial tasks. 

  • Educate Yourself on How to Save Malayan Tigers

There are numerous ways in which each of us can support the efforts on how to save Malayan Tigers and other endangered species. Learn as much as you can about tigers, their preservation, and other endangered animals by reading articles like this one and many more that are supplied by reliable sources. Going out and sharing your information on how to save Malayan Tigers with your family, friends, classmates, and others is another approach to help, as the greatest way to address a problem is to be aware of it.

Tigers serve as a physical representation of the health of the jungle. With varying levels of investment, a number of programs have been created on how to save Malayan Tigers, ranging from habitat protection to community relations, anti-poaching, anti-trafficking, and demand-side solutions like education and awareness to lessen demand for parts and derivatives, as well as anti-corruption measures to deter trafficking.

Not only are we saving the Malayan Tigers, we are also preserving Malayan Forests and natural resources.