The majestic Malayan Tiger is not only an icon to Malaysia but also an apex predator of the wild. Known as the mighty guardian of the jungle, the Malayan Tiger is as beautiful as it is cunning. They are skilled hunters who have mastered the art of blending in with their environment. Despite being elusive, they are being hunted down for sport, and it does not help that there is a high demand for tiger products. The population of Malayan tigers is depleting at a rapid rate. But the primary question is, how many Malayan tigers are left in the world?
The world has lost 97% of the tiger population in just over a century. Approximately 100,000 wild tigers existed worldwide. However, today, the number has decreased to around 3,500, with three out of nine subspecies of wild tigers declared extinct within the last 70 years. Furthermore, the number of Malaysia’s wild tigers will continue to shrink. With the absence of positive changes, the Malayan Tiger will follow the fate of the other tiger subspecies that went extinct in the 1980s.
This catastrophic population decline is driven by a range of threats such as illegal wildlife trade, overhunting of prey species by local people, habitat loss and fragmentation, and human-tiger conflict. An accurate number of tigers remaining in the world is uncertain but what is certain is that the number of Malayan Tigers is alarmingly low.
The world should address this issue immediately, but this should especially be a priority for the Malaysian people. We must think of ways to protect and prevent the extinction of these creatures, or else it is pointless to wonder how many Malayan tigers are left in the world.
How Many Tigers Remain In The World?
It is estimated that there are 250 to 340 Malayan tigers left in the world. Today, the Malayan Tiger is classified as Endangered in the Red List of Threatened Species published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This is a very small number, especially considering that there were once tens of thousands of these beautiful creatures roaming freely through the native Asian jungles and forests. While it is impossible to know exactly how many Malayan tigers are left in the world, it is clear that there are not nearly enough for them to be considered an official subspecies anymore, mainly because they have been hunted out of existence so extensively throughout Asia over time.
How Many Malayan Tigers Remain In Malaysia?
The Malayan Tigers in Malaysia are in crisis and declining in number. The national survey shows less than 150 wild tigers are in Malaysia’s forests. These are divided into a large number of small, isolated subpopulations. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, it is estimated that there are between 80 and 120 breeding adults left.
How Many Malayan Tigers Remain In The World Under Captivity?
Having the Malayan Tigers kept in captivity can be controversial, but it does mean that the Malayan Tigers are projected to live longer, up to 20 years. The Malayan Tigers can be found in the Johor Zoo, Zoo Negara, and Taiping Zoo. 54 Malayan Tigers are also found in the Cincinnati Zoo, the Bronx Zoo and several other zoos in North America. The right measures must be taken to protect the Malayan tigers from extinction.
A Healthy Ecosystem Is A Healthy Life For All
From an ecological standpoint, it is significant how many Malayan Tigers remain in the wild. Tigers are the perfect indicator of ecosystem health. Removing apex predators from the forests creates a domino effect on community structure and common wildlife abundance. For example, the tiger normally hunts wild boars and deer, but without tigers as the apex predator, there would be an increase in herbivores which will subsequently cause changes to vegetation and increased feeding intensity. The lives of humans depend on a healthy forest to absorb the carbon dioxide produced and, in turn, release the oxygen that we humans breathe. The day we see the last Malayan tiger in the wild means that human lives are numbered.
Though this is a sad situation, there is hope for these magnificent animals to survive as their numbers are slowly increasing through enhanced conservation and stricter enforcement.
The question of how many Malayan Tigers are left in the world should not have been an issue in the first place, as they are supposed to live wild and free in the forest. The future of the Malayan Tigers lies in our hands and future generations. We must come together and build a voice loud enough to move for action and prevention for the Malayan Tigers to survive: Our Tigers, Our Pride. Selamatkan Harimau Malaya!