Malayan Tiger’s Population Is Plummeting
Malayan Tiger’s population is at an alarming rate. Only 150 wild tigers are estimated to be left in Malaysia. Read to know more about the issue!
Malayan Tiger’s population is at an alarming rate. Only 150 wild tigers are estimated to be left in Malaysia. Read to know more about the issue!
The main question is; what is being done to save the Malayan Tigers? Click on this article to learn more about our initiatives and conservation efforts.
Malayan Tigers (Harimau Malaya) are well known for being the majestic icon of the country. They are mesmerizing as apex predators. This enormous cat is revered as a guardian and a divinity in many Asian cultures.
The Malayan Tiger, known as Panthera Tigris Jacksoni, a subspecies of tigers in Peninsular Malaysia, is on the brink of extinction. One of the most worrying endangered Malayan Tiger facts is that the population has no more than 200 tigers left compared to the 1950s when more than 3,000 Malayan Tigers used to roam the forest.
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